MINEHEAD Golf Club’s Men’s Captain’s Day on Saturday was a huge success. Perfect weather all day plus an entry of over 100 proved a winning combination. The event organised by men’s maptain Martin Hole comprised a Stableford competition where members were divided into three categories.

Those with a handicap between scratch and 13.9 played off white tees, between 14 to 20 played off yellows and those 20.1 and above played off the red tees. The competition also included nearest the pin and bonus points on four designated holes, and prizes were awarded for each handicap category.

The nominated charity this year was for the RNLI so although there was no formal entry fee, members were invited to donate with automatic entry into a raffle draw.

In addition to the golf, various other fun events were running concurrently including a chipping competition off the first tee, where members were invited to chip into a paddling pool 75 yards down the first fairway. At the halfway house, members were treated to a variety of homemade cakes and refreshments for which a donation was invited. There was also a darts competition, while at the end of the round a putting competition awaited.

The winner off the White Tees was Jim Malarkey with 49 points, three ahead of second placed Archie Walsh with 46, with Rob Dibble third on 43 after countback.

Two players returned with 48 points to head the Yellow Tees competition but after countback it was Nigel Binding who just edged in front of Paul Rees, while Ian Gover was third with 45.

Off the Red Tees Tom Baker was the clear winner with 52 points, six ahead of Elliott Binding with 46, while Luke Cox was third on 45.

The special prize for the Most Points Bonus Holes was won by Dave Shambrook with 20 points.

Neil Mossman won both the Putting Challenge and the Splash Challenge, while James Bond triumphed in the Darts Challenge with a score of 122.

The Nearest The Pin on the 4th hole was won by Stephen Thompson, on the 10th it was won by Archie Walsh, on the 14th Nigel Moore while on the 18th Martyn Westbury was the winner.

Thanks go to everyone for supporting the day and for their generosity. Grateful thanks go to Glenn Ross, club manager,for working with Martin and undertaking the scoring.

Also thanks to Rob Barrett, head greenkeeper, for assisting with flag placements and to the volunteers at the front desk and starting duties, plus to everyone who kindly provided cakes and assisted at the halfway house, together with all of the various activities.

A grand total of £1,347.70 was raised on the day which was a really tremendous achievement.