A WEEK-long celebration is being held next month to mark the 150th anniversary of the opening of the West Somerset Railway (WSR) line between Watchet and Minehead.

Three visiting steam locomotives will join the WSR for the week, from Tuesday, July 16, to Sunday, July 21.

The then-West Somerset Railway Company was formed in the 1850s to build a line from Watchet to Taunton, to connect with the Bristol and Exeter section of the main line completed in 1845.

Because of the success of the line, there was a clamour from the people of Minehead for the railway to be extended, an idea promoted by the Luttrell family, of Dunster, who envisioned Minehead rivalling popular Westcountry tourist locations.

So, the Minehead Railway Company was formed and it opened a new section of line from Watchet to Minehead on July 16, 1874.

It was the penultimate stretch of broad gauge to be built - the last one being the St Ives branch line in 1877.

The star of the anniversary celebrations is likely to be Furness Railway No. 20, which will be visiting the WSR for the first time courtesy of the Furness Railway Trust.

No. 20 is currently the oldest operational locomotive in the UK and should make a novel sight working on the line.

It was built in 1863, so was just 11 years old when the Watchet to Minehead part of the line opened. 

Another visiting locomotive will be Hawthorn Leslie 0-4-0ST no.3581 ‘Marston, Thompson and Evershed no.3’, which will work top and tailed with FR No.20 on special services from Minehead to Williton and return on Tuesday and Saturday, July 16 and 20, courtesy of the Foxfield Railway.

Both locomotives will be in steam throughout the event and will be carrying out short shuttle trips from Minehead Station in addition to services to Williton on the Tuesday and Saturday.

The third visitor in action will be the newly-built GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 no.6880 ‘Betton Grange’, which only entered service in late May 2024.

The WSR will be only the second heritage railway to host the locomotive, which will provide an interesting contrast to the 161-year old FR no.20, meaning both the oldest and newest operational steam locomotives will be working together at the event.

No.6880 will appear courtesy of the Betton Grange Society and will work the main service starting at Bishops Lydeard at 10.15am each day of the celebrations.

One of the WSR home fleet steam locomotives will join the visitors to work the service from Minehead starting at 10am daily.

The anniversary festival will see other attractions across the railway on selected days, with ceremonies in Watchet, markets, horse and cart rides, Punch and Judy, and other activiies on Minehead Station.

Full details are available on the WSR website and tickets can be booked online here.

Earlier in June, the WSR held its annual summer diesel festival, which saw sales 10 per cent up on 2023.