DESPITE challenging weather there were a record number of floral entries for Porlock Horticultural Society’s summer show.

The weather also affected fruit and vegetable growing and in some classes exhibitors struggled to find enough quality produce.

The horticultural classes best exhibit was a dish of red currants.

The decorative section was a masterclass in imagination with skilled design in the themed classes ‘Gold, Silver and Bronze’, ‘Paris Olympics’, and ‘An arrangement of dried flowers, foliage and/or seed heads’.

The handicraft section challenged the judge, who spent time examining the intricate craftsmanship on many and varied entries ranging from handmade cards to tapestries to beaded items.

The photography section was well supported with themes ‘This Sporting Life’, ‘Somerset at its Best, and ‘Furry Friends’.

Children clearly had a good time fulfilling the brief of ‘A self-portrait in pulses, pasta, and rice’.

Cups and trophies were presented by Nikki Seymour, of Bake Me Crazy.

A spokesperson said: “The committee would like to thank all our supporters and sponsors whose help enables us to put the show on, all the people who entered exhibits and without whom there would be no show, and all the people who helped on the day and made such light work of packing everything away.”

Perpetual Challenge Cups and Trophies

RHS BANKSIAN MEDAL (for the largest total amount of prize money in the whole of the horticultural classes at the Spring and Summer Show combined) – Sue Appleton.

NORMAN HADDON TROPHY (most points in Flower, Vegetables and Fruit classes, Spring and Summer Show combined) – Sue Appleton.

JK RAMSEY CUP (for the most points in Decorative classes, Spring and Summer Shows combined) – Caroline King.

BLATHWAYT CUP (for most points in Sections I, II and III, Flowers, Vegetables and Fruit) – Malcolm Appleton.

REEVES CUP (for runner-up in Sections I, II and III, Flowers, Vegetables and Fruit) – Jeanette Prince.

ROSE BOWL (for most points in the Rose Classes 101-105) – Pam Molford.

SLADE CUP (for the most points in Section I, Flowers) – Jeanette Prince.

RAWLE CUP (for the most points in Section II, Vegetables) – Malcolm Appleton.

HADDEN CUP (for the best exhibit in Section I, Flowers) – Reg Molford.

SMITH CUP (for the best exhibit in the Sweet Pea classes 108-109) – Lin Littlefield.

E & W PUGSLEY CUP (for the best collection of vegetables) – Catherine Greer.

PRIMO VINEIS CUP (for the best exhibit in Section III, Fruit) – Geoff Garfield.

HARRY RAWLE CUP (for the best exhibit in Sections I, II, and III, Flowers, Vegetables and Fruit) – Geoff Garfield.

RUSSELL THOMAS CUP (for the most points in Section IV, Decorative) – Caroline King.

HADDEN CHILDREN’S CUP (for the best exhibit in Section V, Children aged 9 and under) – Henry Greer.

THE JOCK CURRIE MEMORIAL CUP (for the best exhibit in Section VI, Handicrafts) – Ros Robertson.

THE LIZ SIMMONDS SALVER (for the best exhibit in Photographic classes 701-706) – Susan Locke.

CLAUDE SIMMONDS TANKARD (for the most points in Section VIII, Homemade Drink, Spring and Summer Shows combined) – Paul Murch.

THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD (this year for exhibits in Section VII, Photography) – Jeanette Prince.

Rosette Winners (for best exhibit in each section):

Section I (Flowers) – Reg Molford.

Section II (Vegetables) – Jim Moon.

Section III (Fruit) – Geoff Garfield.

Section IV (Decorative) – Caroline King.

Section V (Children) – Henry Greer.

Section VI (Handicrafts) – Ros Robertson.

Section VII (Photographs) – Susan Locke.

Section VIII (Homemade Drink) – Paul Murch.

Class Winners in each section:

Section I (Flowers)

Chris Anderson, Sue Appleton, Alannah Edward, Pauline Garfield, Betty Glossop, Catherine Greer, Rosalinde Haw, Caroline King, Lin Littlefield, Pam Molford, Reg Molford, Marilyn Murch, Jeanette Prince.

Section II (Vegetables)

Chris Anderson, Malcolm Appleton, Geoff Garfield, Catherine Greer, Rosalinde Haw, Jim Moon 

Section III (Fruit)

Malcolm Appleton, Geoff Garfield.

Section IV (Decorative)

Chris de Vere Hunt, Catherine Greer, Caroline King.

Section V (Children)

Chloe Denton, Emily Greer, Henry Greer.

Section VI (Handicrafts)

Chloe Denton, Caroline King, Christine Miles, Kath Moon, Ros Robertson, Rachel Thompson.

Section VII (Photography)

Reggie Gande, Peter Leather, Susan Locke, Jeanette Prince.

Section VIII (Homemade Drink)

Catherine Greer, Paul Murch.