MINEHEAD’S Seniors’ Open Texas Scramble was played on Wednesday when a full entry comprising 128 players forming 32 teams of four benefitted from unusually benign conditions throughout, although the early starters were faced with persistent drizzle.

Nevertheless, conditions were good and reflected in the scoring which saw some excellent performances.

Two teams managed to score 53 points; the winners on countback from Taunton & Pickeridge GC were Andy Jones, John Crane, Martin Hill and Tony Read (combined handicap of 5).

The runners up were Lee Ayres, Nigel Gardiner, Greg Hawker (Minehead) and Andy Bolt from Tiverton (combined handicap of 9).

Many congratulations to the winners and grateful thanks to all participants and to all volunteers for making this such a successful and enjoyable day.

Friday provided the perfect golfing weather (unusual as it coincided with the Dunster Show) as Minehead Seniors played a 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 competition.

Eight teams took to the fairways in what proved to be a closely fought event at the end of which the winning team of Trevor Stephens, Dave Ball and Tim Tennant scored 76 points.

Andy Giles, Dave Oatridge and Ash Stockley were second on 75 points, one ahead of on countback with 74 Graham Stone, Sandy Lyons and Pete Heddercott.